palakj's Journal

Feb 2011
10:03 PM EDT


"The reason why we have dreams is that the Unconscious withinus, the Atma or the Kundalini is trying to guide us to the right path – and this it does through dreams. But these are misunderstood, because we are confused. When we are sleeping we go to the depth of the Sushupti level, and there touch the Unconscious, but when we come out, we touch our Subconscious or maybe the Supraconscious, and this confuses whatever experience we may have had at the Sushupti level, with other things connected to our sub or Supraconscious, and we don't remember,or don't understand, and we forget it. A Realised Soul goes to the Sushupti and sees exactly what he has to know."�Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Feb 2011
9:24 AM EDT

Sun by native american

the native american worship sun�not as god but as a revelation of great spirit who as such has gifted them source of life�and they see there fellow man as WAKAN� meaning holy beacuse soul is expression of divinity not only man but whole nature is seen as holy

Feb 2011
10:05 PM EDT

Lord lao tse

Create but don't possess, act but do not claim, protect but do not command that is the hidden true Virtue empty your thought let yourself be at peace

palakj's Profile

  • Username: palakj
  • Gender / Age: Female, 48
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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