The Infrequently Filled Journal of One Whose Opinions are Irrelevant

Apr 2008
8:09 AM EDT

Hello hello

Back again...

I just got back from my friend Malaea's sleepover birthday party. It was pretty fun. All my good friends from school were there. Charlotte pretty well went NuTs every time someone said the name "Edward" and started rocking back and forth and stuff because he isn't real. (Twilighters know what I'm talking about) She was close to tears.�It was slightly scary. That someone can be that obsessed.... Don't misunderstand me. I am obsessed as well. I just have more practice at hiding it (and all subsequent emotions). While all of them watched the Alien movies, I went downstairs and read. Sorry to inform you, but�I cannot and WILL not do science fiction. Never. I just can't watch it. It reduces me to tears, it scares me so much. Other than that, though, it was great. My friends were all in good spirits and as strange as ever.

Besides that, I got a chance to notice how absurd they all are. Don't get me wrong, they're all great people and I like them a lot. They're just so--forgive me for seeming like I think I'm better than them-- immature. It's incredible. We went out for supper to a buffet, and one of my friends (Mara) and I had to beg them, "Please, PLEASE don't fight or punch each other or talk about sex in loud voices." It's embarrassing. And I like them all, they're great people, just sometimes it's frustrating because... well. At times I find their antics very inane. I know I sound stuck up or whatever, but really. We're just very different, I guess. I would not be able to talk world news with a single one of them. (Well, maybe Mara, because she claims she listens to the news and reads the paper) Of course, you would hardly expect world news to be a topic at a 15-year-old girl's birthday party. But I can't help feeling so separate from them.

I have been feeling older than I really am lately. I don't know why. I've been feeling like I'm in my twenties or something... I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's pretty strange. I get a kind of jolt when I realise that I'm still 15.

Life's hard.

Suggestion of the day: Streetcorner Symphony, by Rob Thomas. Good song. He usually has good songs, so check out his other stuff if you want.

I'm going to go now. I have a ridiculous amount of homework that I can't get away with not doing.


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opinionated's Profile

  • Username: opinionated
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    OPINIONATED's Interests:

    About Me: Everything that you need to know about me is in my posts. Moreover, everything posted on this journal is my own work, except where otherwise indicated. It belongs to me, so no reposting or claiming as your own. Thanks a bundle, loves.

    Interests: Books, writing, music, camping, books, talking about books, theorising about books, dreaming, reading, books, music, piano, writing, music, books, reading, books, instruments, books, writing.

    Favorite Music: All kinds. Classic rock (Billy Joel, Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd, to name some of many), some modern stuff (Coldplay, Broken Bells, KT Tunstall, The Fray, Weezer, and there are more...), classical, some folk rock, Latin... Oh, and alternative rock. Music I will NOT listen to: Rap, country (excluding Cash), jazz (kill. me. now.)

    Favorite Movies: The Harry Potters minus the fifth, Chronicles of Narnia, Get Smart, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Love Actually, Fight Club, Role Models

    Favorite Television: Lost, The Office and The Simpsons

    Favorite Books: Seriously?! Fine. You asked. In no particular order... | Wolf Hall | Harry Potter (all) | Chronicles of Narnia | All Tamora Pierce | All Shannon Hale | All Alison Croggon | Thief Lord, Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke | Romeo and Juliet | Macbeth | Artemis Fowl (all) | Maximum Ride series | The Book Thief (awesome book <3) | Jacky Faber series | All Kate Constable | Elsewhere | A Wrinkle in Time | A Great and Terrible Beauty and sequels | My Swordhand is Singing | The Book of Dead Days and sequel | To Kill a Mockingbird | Lord of the Rings series | The Hobbit | The Host | Mortal Instruments series | Peeps | The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks | Sepulchre | The Hunger Games