oktokie's Journal

Dec 2006
1:15 PM GMT

i'm feeling sick today..urrghh haven spoken to james for 3 days.Yep i do miss him the most. Maybe i'm beginning to have strong feelings towards him. Shooiitt! i can't have this feeling darn.. i hate to admit that. When i start to like someone, im gonna be addicted to him. Pat? hmmm he's always busy wif his uni. He seems to have lots of secrets that his not telling me!! Hurts me when i'll be the one who found out about him.. geezz Honestly i don't miss him that much though he's away for a week. Even if he's here, he acts like he's not here.. whats the point?? hmm maybe i should end this.... maybe... i dunoe n im terribly confused :S help me someone??

oktokie's Profile

  • Username: oktokie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 43
  • Location: Singapore