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nodeadends's Journal
Dec 2006
11:19 AM EDT
today is december the 20th just a few days before christmas, so much shit is going on in my already hetic life! My kids are climbing the walls and I mean that in a literal sense. I met someone not so new we took it to another level and now in some ways I wish we hadnt. He is really nice but some of his characteristics turn me off. It's been only three days since our first encounter and now he calls himself laying down the rules. All this equals control to me. I dont want to be with someone who makes me feel like a puppet on a string in regards to relationships. He wants me to be more affectionate I just dont understand how I can accomplish such feat in such short time. I am affectionate however I find it difficult and awkward being with him especially intimately. I want to take things slow and he want to come in and change the whole dynamics of my life. I really enjoy his company I just wish I knew how to be best own best advocate and tell him how I really feel without offending him at the same time. What makes it awkward to be with him is that we both belong to a very quaint church where his mom and stepdad are the pastors. This being the case he asked that I keep our dealing private..... I feel like I am dealing with a married man. I finally understand what the artist meant when he said if you loving you is wrong....
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Female, 19
USA - New York
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