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nodeadends's Journal
Aug 2007
6:12 AM EDT
back to what I was saying... I hope the pastor doesnt take a detour into a forbidden territory. I am heeding Curtiis's warning to be careful. Especially after the torment I went through with Michael. And truthfully I am not attracted to pastor's or men of the cloth, which I can thank Michael and that othr non de script fake ass pastor for.
On to another topic: I ran into James the Jerk while going to the daycare. He turned around, perhaps I should have kept going... We made small talk, then discussed how he reacted the last time we spoke on the phone. He has been liking me for many years. He decided we should try to make it happen. I went along for the ride, for awhile anyway. When I told him "I dont think its going to work out between us",he acted belligerent. He also proceeded to tell me I wasnt all that! The nerve of that negro he clearlywasntcognizant of my ability to crush his already faltering ego! Either I am dumb or a true romantic. We went somewhere last night, near water. It had a trail and something resembling a gazeebo with benches. Beautiful and serene are the adjectives that come to mind. We talked about why I gave the cold shoulder. He is handsome, articulate demanding and arrogant. The latter is a turn off. He told me how dare I or other women turn him down. His shit is on point, but he needs to stop bugging like his shit dont stank. He want a relationship not now but right now. He also wants to get fucked go figure. I told him that aint happening I am on my period (not true). He said he has taken it there before. I understand having been married you can do that. But now with someone you remotley know! That right there is beyond slack! Guess he thought he was gonna smack this NOT. Resisting wasnt an issue since I envisioned the pastor standing right behind him when he kissed in the mouth.
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Female, 19
USA - New York
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