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nodeadends's Journal
Jul 2007
7:57 AM EDT
i went to bible study on Tuesday it was nice. Even though I we were the only people there. Sunday I went and made an ass out of myself. I cried through the whole sermon. I dont normally cry in public. I was just so distraught, with stress. I was sincererly contemplating suicide. I couldnt cope, life was frayingat the seams. I later aplogize for acting out. the pastor gave me his card. I called him, we had a candid conversation, ranging from relationship to spirituality. I feel very comfortable conversing with him. Pastor Robinson relates to me like a real person, no fakesness. Speaking to me on a level that most so called religous people wouldnt dareattempt. He has one my respect despite my obvious suspect attitude of so called pastors/ministers. Tuesday we went to church for bible study, he was shocked at much the children knew about the bible. Dj is funny he told him "this is to easy can you give us something harder".
Some time after that we spoke over the phone ,and inquired about the kids names. Especially "princess" he wanted to know what made me name her....
I explained that I was coming out and I wanted to always remember this.
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Female, 19
USA - New York
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