nnn's Journal

Jun 2008
7:10 AM EDT

I wish this damn thing would stop e-mailing me.

There we go, I've suspended it until December 31st 2010. I'm aparantly gonna be away for that long but not really. I'm awesome.

May 2008
7:28 AM EDT

Note to self: the free iTunes store downloads only work for America and for some reason all my apostrophes turn into forward slashes. I don't care that I have probably spelt that wrong.

May 2008
7:21 AM EDT

This is my diary and notepad and you're just about to read a load of random things you don't care about. I'm eating jelly cuz I'm stressed. Wanna know why I'm stressed? Tough shit. Anyway moving on, I have a pikachu phone charm and you're blatantly jealous, like we all are of David Bowie's crystal juggling skills in Labyrinth. So right now I'm sitting on iGoogle cuz I'm great, and I have this cat staring at my mouse cuz I wanted it on my page. Now I wish I'd never given that loser of an animated cat the time of day because it just sits there glaring and looking like it's about to implode. I also thought it would be a good idea to add an escape room game onto my iGoogle but didn't think it would be bloody minature so only people with tiny eyes could actually use the damn thing. I mean, c'mon, I can't read something if the font size is 2 you genius. I do have LOLcats on this thing though and they rock. I also have free iTunes downloads but so far there are only three songs which no one probably cares about. I have to stay at my Gran's this week cuz my parents are away and so far it has been good for the majority of the time. I should be revising really but I don't think I will until tomorrow. This will be my last free weekend until the GCSEs are over so I'm making the most of it by sittin on iGoogle and filling in my fucking diary and notepad. I'm now going to attempt to download this son called Two Times by The Blakes and hope it's what I think it is, otherwise I'll bitch on about it until I feel like stopping.

nnn's Profile

  • Username: nnn
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: United Kingdom