nitemistress's Journal

Mar 2007
6:14 AM EST

Todays Horoscope: This could be a momentous day for someone in your life. An important relationship could be at a turning point, one that signals permanence and stability. Welcome a chance to mingle.
While I don't follow horoscopes in the sense that they guide my life or how I face a day, I do find a great many of them having something within them that could well be written after a day is done. So much seems to be bang on or darn close. Add to it my extra ability and sense and it makes for interesting times.
With this in mind I've decided to keep track of certain ones that seem to share the same 'thoughts' as my extra sense, ones where even before reading them I've felt that something is stirring.
Enemies?? There is no reason I should have them. Friends?? Far too mixed and complex the emotions that go with the 2 I have. Well, maybe 3 and I see ONE only when it's right for them. The other 2 I haven't seen in...well, one it's been maybe 2 almost 3 years, the other almost a year. The one I DO get to see if I'm lucky MAYBE a couple of times a month. I wait for my scraps while being the best friend anyone could want but in reality I'm everybody's best kept dirty little secret. The friend that no one knows exists, no one admits to knowing, the one that just is, that is always there when needed. Like some favourite toy that gets brought out when nothing and no one else is available or around.
How does one have enemies with friends like this??

Mar 2007
7:13 PM EST

"What would you do with your life today if you weren't afraid of failure?" What kind of question is that?? Is this someones idea of a cruel joke?? My whole life, even when I DIDN'T fail, I inevitably was a failure in most peoples eyes. And today?? Oh please, well today I failed yet again. Let's face it, what would I do with my life if I wasn't afraid of failure??? Drop dead from shock!!! And we won't even get started on just HOW I apparently am such a failure in the eyes of others..mostly because I have no idea except that I breathe. Yep, right dandy question on todays journal heading.
1 comment(s) - 07:51 AM - 03/16/2007

Mar 2007
8:10 PM EST

My finest moment was overcoming the crap I got dealt as a kid and turning out better than the ones who abused me. How's that??

Feb 2007
8:21 PM EST

What do I expect of others?? I expect to be treated as I treat them. With respect, caring, love, help if needed without asking, all the things I give without thinking, without regret and with all the love in me. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to know the answer to that question.

Feb 2007
9:27 PM EST

Lost in the void that has taken the place where my heart once resided, free falling through the emptiness. Hands reach out blindly to hold on to hope but come up bare of any. Hope is there somewhere spinning precariously on the fragile thread that was a tear. Cry no more and all hope is lost.

Feb 2007
10:11 PM EST

Ever notice how certain things you WANT to remember you can't but you can always remember useless shit?? For me it's dates while some things I'm trying to learn about the computer I can't remember. Most of it I do but it's the dumb little things I forget. Maybe if I assign a date to the application I'd remember.

nitemistress's Profile

  • Username: nitemistress
  • Gender / Age: Female, 67
  • Location: Canada
    NITEMISTRESS's Interests:

    Favorite Movies: Thrillers, horror, mind bending, some comedy

    Favorite Television: House, Criminal Minds, Bones, CSI, NCIS, Crossing Jordan

    Favorite Books: Thriller, horror, medical mystery