meagan's Journal

Dec 2006
1:23 AM EST

Wow, am I ever sore today! Yesterday was a killer day on my body - which is great! If only I could work that hard everyday... I worked out at 5:30am with my training buddy (40 minutes running + legs), then I started kickboxing (more on this below), 2 hours of Latin dance, next I rushed to my studio to teach 3 classes (1 hour of cardio, 1 hour of bellydance boot camp, 1 hour of beginner bellydance). Then home, and I even managed to find the energy to cook a nice healthy dinner for me and Wala'a! So, kickboxing... it's a real thrill and a little scary, but I'm so excited about it whipping me into shape! It's not some little kickboxing aerobics class - it's at a real kickboxing-only gym and it's hardcore! I always thought I was strong and tough, but taking this class makes me see what a sissy I am! It's great to try something totally different - it's like the opposite of all my soft, feminine dancing I teach, so it can balance me out hopefully! It's also great to be a beginner at something again - it makes me see what my beginner students are going through! I'm going to try to go 2 - 3 times a week because they have daytime classes which is great for me! I'm starting to realize some fat loss and I have vowed to be a workout maniac and eat super clean right throught he weekend so I can hopefully be at 154 pounds by Monday. Monday is Christmas Day so I know I will be splurging on bad food and lots of it that day, but I want to keep it to just one day of that not a whole week! I ordered a really cute bikini from Victoria's Secret (for my trip to Dominican Republic at the end of Jan) and it arrived two days ago. It's great and I love it, but after tying it on, I'm even more motivated to work my butt off in the gym and keep eating right! I would really love to lose 15 pounds by the time I go away and I've broken my goals down by the weeks (just as I would if I were prepping for a fitness comp, so it should work out fine! Thank you all for voting for me in the Extreme Fitness Model Search online - thanks to all my friends/students/fans I have ranked 3rd or 4th for a while now! And I have the most amount of votes overall! It's really thrilling because I see there are so many people who believe in me! Thank you, and keep those votes coming!
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meagan's Profile

  • Username: meagan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: Canada
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    MEAGAN's Interests:

    Interests: fitness, working out, bellydance, Latin & Brazilian dance

    Favorite Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Kanye West, MIA, and of course Arabic and Latin music!

    Favorite Movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, pretty much any dance movie! Oh, and Pumping Iron.

    Favorite Television: Young & The Restless, South Park. So You Think You Can Dance.

    Favorite Books: I have so many faves, currently I'm reading Joshi's Holistic Life Plan and it's right up my alley!

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