maritza's Journal

May 2007
9:29 AM EDT

Discuss maintaining a Lifestyle of the Word and position of authority.

As part of the body of Christ, our word contains seeds that reproduce. (2 Corinthians 10) We have the responsibility to meditate day and night the word of God; this daily exercise that produces in us a flowing river that will spring out LIFE when we need it (John 7:37).

Here are some lifestyle keys:

We need to Meditate the word of God

When the word of God is fresh in our hearts by reading, listening and meditating on it will come out of our mouth as fresh fruit that will produce Life to those who believe. (Psalm 1:1) This unique resource of spiritual refreshment comes from the Holy Spirit. When you sense that negative and destructive instead of constructive is trying to come out of your mouth, it is better to maintain quiet and trust that God will change our circumstances. We also need to guard our mouth (psalm 39:1) so nothing negative can bring forth death.

Faith + Authority brings Power to our Actions

As daughters and sons of God, we become part of his army; we let our self be receptive to his word, wisdom and power. As his sons, we are made to sense things that are out of order or even before they become out of order when we are walking in the spirit realm. God will tell us the issue so we can come out boldly and change the circumstances around us. We have the authority to put any circumstance in correct order. This exercised is done by using the word of God with faith and the right to act in authority. We only need to bring forth the POWERFUL weapons HE has given us and destroying the works of the enemy.

Words Impact our Spirit – Soul and Body

The words impact the spirit, (John 6:63) soul (Proverbs 21:23) and body.

Words penetrate to the souls of people bringing life or death. (Proverbs13:3) When we line our self up under the head (God) and stand in that, no matter what happens we will be speaking life and we will be protected under him.

When we say things contrary to the word the devil will use those things to trap you, because he has no authority.

Than is so important to watch what you say, when you are not willing to speak write, or you do not believe what you say. Our own words can condemn us. (Math 12:26-37) God gave us all authority to us.

We can walk in authority unless you stay in position under Authority

We need to honor the authority.

What is the significance of the Name of Jesus? Give scripture references.

When we say "in the name of Jesus" that name resonates like a rock that hits the water and spreads, it has power, it has authority, it has life, and when we use it with faith it is a charging power that brings transformation to any circumstance, situation, no matter if it is in the past, present or future. No matter if it encounters death, because there is light and life in that word.

When we say the name of Jesus, we are calling him and everything he stands for; strong, powerful and mighty, and HE wants the world to see HIS character though us.

Jesus is called the Word, (Rev 19-13) God and his word is one. Jesus and his name is one. So when I am opening up my bible I am opening all that he stands for. (It is like spreading the seed and having harvest in a second; his word will bring a chain reaction) He is God, the Holly one, the almighty and powerful one. He is a God of purpose, his name is God. (Also he was called "Immanuel" which means, "God with us".)

When we walk with him, he will communicate me what the Father tells him to tell me, perfect peace, perfect love, and also perfect warrior of our hearts. He will tell me what to say, how to say it, when to be still, and every thing I need in my daily life. I can call upon his name day or night.

Jesus got his name by inheritance. (Hebrews 1) To the Hebrew, A person's name signified their person, worth, character, reputation, authority, will, and ownership. Jesus was named prophetically; His name was not given by his Mother but his Father in heaven (Matthew 1:21) "She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

His name is SALVATION in the Greek. It means that nothing is missing, nothing is broken, is prosperity, healing, holiness, deliverance, no lack.

He is exalted about every name (Philippians 2: 5-8) Jesus empty himself and God has highly exalted him (Hebrews 1), how beautiful that we can only say his name and not said anything else and circumstances will be transformed, that healings will take place, that by only hearing saying his name we will be filled with peace. What a Powerful name, what a beautiful name.

Here are some names:

God - Jesus is called God in several passages in the Bible. (John 20:28).

Lord -The disciples used this term to salute Jesus as their teacher and master (Matthew 22:43-44).

Word - This title was used by the apostle John to describe the mission of Jesus. The title states Jesus' Godhead and eternal and absolute deity (John 1:1, 14).

Messiah - The long awaited "anointed one" who would deliver Israel. Jesus came to deliver mankind from sin and death (John 4:25-26).

Alpha and Omega - These two characters were the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This de scriptive title expresses the eternal nature of God - the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8; 22:13).

Savior - Jesus is the person who rescues mankind from an eternity in hell.

Redeemer - "One who frees or delivers another from difficulty, danger, or bondage, usually by the payment of a ransom price."1 In the New Testament, Jesus is viewed as the ultimate Redeemer who gave His life as a ransom (Mark 10:45, Titus 2:14).

Light of the World - Jesus is the Person who brings true knowledge of God. Those who reject this light bring judgment upon themselves (John 8:12; 3:19-21).

Lamb of God - This title refers to the Old Testament sacrificial system where God accepted the blood of animals as atonement for sin (John 1:29, 36). Jesus' blood made atonement for sin!

Ruler of Creation - Christ existed before the creation of the world and He is sovereign over it (Revelation 3:14).

Mediator - Because Jesus is fully God, He can represent God to man. Because He is fully man, Jesus can represent man to God. Reconciliation is possible (1 Timothy 2:5).

Bread of Life - Jesus is the one and only supplier of true spiritual nourishment (John 6:35). Way, Truth, and Life - Jesus is the only way to heaven, the only source of truth, and the foundation of all life (John 14:6)!

What has the Holly Spirit ministered to you personally about his name?

When I speak the word of God, (Hebrews 4:12) it's a word that is alive. We are confident and know that when we walk into any situation and we speak the WORD there will be a performance. His WORD will cause ANY situation to change by his name. His word is sharpen than two-edged sword, penetrating inside the joints and marrow transforming effectively anything that needs to be transformed, and all that believe and call upon his name will never be ashamed, because he is precious, grater, and exalted above every name, in heaven and in earth.

Going into the dictionary and reading about the word transformed, it says that is change of form or condition also says that is a metamorphosis or a change in an organism which alters its general character and mode of life. When we say the word Jesus; which is God's son name, something is going to Happen.

This is a visual and power word I have in my mind:

Energy: is the capacity to do work.

Matter: has mass and occupies space (matter is composed of basic elements that cannot be broken down to substances with different chemical or physical properties)

Atom: releases tremendous energies as in nuclear explosions

Electron they move at speeds near the speed of light (what I meant is that as soon we say his work it moves…)

When we call upon his name, and we do what the father tells us to do. We are ambassadors of Christ and when we walk in this earth, Jesus is walking. We are one with his name that lives inside of us (Jeremiah 1:12) (definition of inside is also connected, closer, completed). We walk with authority and power (dunamus)

He is always ready to perform what he says. (Isaiah 55:11) We are instruments that bring his kingdom into our daily life.

Which piece or pieces of armor are the most significant to you and why?

What was the Holy Spirit stirring in you as you pondered the piece?

the Armor of God is what HE is to us; The promises we have when we are walking in aliment with him, steady and marching like soldiers, all in one line, all with the same uniform, but specifically custom made for us, all this pieces enables us to be cover and also to attack the enemy.

For me most significant pieces of the armor of God are the belt, the sandals, and the sword, but I am interested in having the full armor that is given to us freely.

The Belt of truth (the written word) these hold everything in place so we can fight without thinking that we are going to miss a peace if armor. (John 17:17)Is the word is truth. On that peace there are 2 hooks, on e of the hooks is where you attach the sward of the spirit (the Rehma that comes out) and other one is the shield of Faith. With out it there is no confident to fight.

**When I ponder
It reminds me that his word gives me
wisdom, acts as my counselor, gives me hope, and my strength. The written word gives me everything I need each day of my life.

The shoes of peace I can use it as an offensive or defensive weapon, it makes me stand firm, confident, strong, secure looking straight at the face of the adversary (Colossians 3:13)

**When I ponder

It refers to the emotions and decision I make knowing that God is in control, that gives me Peace and Joy and also a sense of expectation.

The sword of God; we need use this powerful weapon to destroy the works of the enemy. We use the Logos to identify the written scripture that brings us revelation and Rhema and applying this is a mortal weapon that destroys every works of the devil.

**When I ponder

When I Pray in the spirit, when I witness, when I translate Pastor's teaching, when I am singing all this type of exercises produce

There is a Song that ministers to me so much it's call My Universe

I want you to be my universe

I don't want to give you a little of my time

I don't want to separate from you not even one day

You to be my universe

I don't want to give you my words like rain drops

I want a storm of worship in my mouth

You to be my universe

That you will be all that I think and fill

I want you to be the first breath I take in the morning

And the light in my window

I want you to be my universe

That you will fill all of my thought

That your presence and your power be me daily meal


That you be my universe

I don't want to give you part of my years

I want you to be the owner of my time and of my space

That you be my universe

I don't want to do what I desire but I want to please you

And every dream that I have, I want to give it to you

That you be my universe

Be all that I think and fill….

maritza's Profile

  • Username: maritza
  • Gender / Age: Male, 18
  • Location: USA - Virginia