marcjoe's Journal

Jun 2022
1:24 AM IST

file /// sdcard

To access the internal memory using the command�file: /// sdcard /, it will be necessary to use a browser. You can use the one you want, since Chrome, Mozilla or Opera work , as well as any other you use. file /// sdcard/

To use it, simply open your browser and in the address bar type the command ‘file: /// sdcard /‘. Immediately type this command, press the ‘Enter’ key on the keyboard of your Android device.
You will see that the index will be displayed with the folders of the internal memory of the device. You just have to browse through these folders to see the content present there. In fact, you will be able to open image or video files without limitations, since browsers have support for this type of document.

On the other hand, if this function is not entirely useful, you can use file explorer . One that we recommend is the File Manager by Xiaomi application, an excellent file explorer that allows you to navigate through internal and external folders.

1 comment(s) - 04:51 AM - 06/25/2022

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  • Username: marcjoe
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: India
    MARCJOE's Interests:

    About Me: The file sdcard command is useful for accessing the internal memory of the device. With this function you can enter your documents through the browser. [URL=""]file ///sdcard/[/URL] file ///sdcard/

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