lovesawar08's Journal

Apr 2007
2:14 AM CST

well i have alot on my mind....spring break was ok but a few of my friends really got on my nerves....i am the type of person that hates to be rushed when i am doing something that seems important to me... but well i got really annoyed and they (my freinds) acted like nothing was really wrong but i know that they could at least tell that i was kinda on the angry side...
Whenever i stay around a certian person for a long period of time i start to really get annoyed with them.. but it isnt always with all of my freinds...just certain ones...that have very big attitudes.. so that which makes me have one right back at them... but well i guess that is all for now... oh and i cant stop thinking about that certain person...i like him so much......
o and well my family really are being jerkes right now... no respect what so ever... they really dont care who they hurt or who they scare for life in the head.... but well i try to be that nice person to be nice to everyone but it never works with them they are still really mean but o well that is all for now ....bye bye!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 11:19 AM - 04/23/2007

lovesawar08's Profile

  • Username: lovesawar08
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
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    LOVESAWAR08's Interests:

    About Me: well what can i say...i have brown hair blue eyes...i love music because it = love being with my frineds and acting really stupid...i love having fun and am not afraid to say or do things that other people usually wouldnt do....i really dont care what people say aboutme and everyone always says that is a good there is n e thing else you would like to know about me just let me know. START LAYOUT CODE by = layouts are free to use, but you must agree not to upload our layouts to other website> I got this layout from! Click here to get your own. '

    Interests: I love music and basically that includes nothing but ROCK... because i love to rock lol.....i love riding fourwheelers and love getting am not afraid to do things that little preppy chicks probably wouldnt do...

    Favorite Music: I love rock and that is basically it....there are just too many bands to name right now...i love them all... 'MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

    Favorite Movies: scary,drama,comedy,and action are always the best picks. 'MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

    Favorite Television: whatever i feel like watching at the moment.

    Favorite Books: what is a heard of it before...