letstalk's Journal

Apr 2007
7:40 AM EDT

I can say I had a easy childhood but not really. I visit the hospt a lot growing up. Do to my health. A lot of test to see really what kind of earing lost I had till they found out it was called...CENTRAL AUDITROY PROCESSING DISORDER...not only that I do have aseizure disorder. I do have a couple other disabilities few people know besides close people know and family memebers know to.

I did not have a crazy childhood. I did have a close friend I wished our friendship never ended though. We where like brothers. We did ever thing together. Yes we did things we should of not did that could of got us in trouble if we got caught. But mostly we stood out of trouble though.

As adult right after high school when I made the biggest mistake I ever did. I married my ex. I should of never did that. I still need to kick my butt the way she treated me most of my marriage with her. I was her slave more likely...I was so stressed out right after the marriage I had daily seizures...I never had that many seizures that often...From 2002 to 2004....At least my family stood on my side after the marriage and still is...

letstalk's Profile

  • Username: letstalk
  • Gender / Age: Male, 54
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    LETSTALK's Interests:

    About Me: Once people know me...really know me....they say I am friendly to everyone and I have no problems getting long with no one...I was raised that way not to junk people....and I just get long with everyone....

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