letstalk's Journal

May 2007
2:25 PM EDT

Hello everyone! I been little busy lately not working partbut I been confused in the last few weeks and I really hurt a close friend of mine that I did not mean to....I left her out of my life last month....I was not trying to but I just did not ask for her help and she took it wrong the whole relationship part. I am hoping our relationship can get back to where it was or close to where it was....I know she is saying she cares for me and etc. but I am not sure if it is back to where it was before yet or if it will because I did not pay attention to her last month do to the stress I was going through.

May 2007
3:49 PM EDT

Hello everyone, How is everyone doing lately? I guess I am doing fine it could be better though....Specially if I hear or fine outin "PERSON"what is go to happen soon if it does happen....

Apr 2007
1:50 PM EDT

Hello all members and nonmembers...How is your weekend going so far? My weekend here has been great...Better than the last few weekends I can say that much...My family came over and we pretty much hung out last night enjoying the nice weather outdoors...It is a great day here today better than last week when it mostly rain everyday floodly a lot of places around here...

I hope your week goes great and your weekend was great too!!!

Apr 2007
7:40 AM EDT

I can say I had a easy childhood but not really. I visit the hospt a lot growing up. Do to my health. A lot of test to see really what kind of earing lost I had till they found out it was called...CENTRAL AUDITROY PROCESSING DISORDER...not only that I do have aseizure disorder. I do have a couple other disabilities few people know besides close people know and family memebers know to.

I did not have a crazy childhood. I did have a close friend I wished our friendship never ended though. We where like brothers. We did ever thing together. Yes we did things we should of not did that could of got us in trouble if we got caught. But mostly we stood out of trouble though.

As adult right after high school when I made the biggest mistake I ever did. I married my ex. I should of never did that. I still need to kick my butt the way she treated me most of my marriage with her. I was her slave more likely...I was so stressed out right after the marriage I had daily seizures...I never had that many seizures that often...From 2002 to 2004....At least my family stood on my side after the marriage and still is...

Apr 2007
12:32 PM EDT

Scents my marriage ended I am home now...some of youmight think I am crazy going back home or to old doing that or what ever is on your mind but at least my mom said I can come back scent what I went through...

My mom will be home shortly and she more likely be taking over the laptop in a couple hours from now doing her work on it...The other pc is down for now....

Apr 2007
10:03 AM EDT

Just thinking about it now really ticks me off now how she treated me, my ex. I took care of our daughters more than she did, I did the house chores than she did, plus yard work. I guess she did not care for my side of the family because I hardly saw them in ten years and we all lived in the same city....That really ticks me off there...Why? One year before my divorce my dad past away and my daughters really did not know my dad....I see know all the others kids here see my mom on a real base almost weekly....This really ticks me off what my ex did in the 90s...Yes I have a sister and three other brothers two brothers have kids and my sister has kids....See why I need to kick myself in the rear...I should of known better...But I was a fool not paying attention back then....I was in my 20's and I was still growing up...I am not go to make that same mistake I am sure on that....

Apr 2007
9:17 AM EDT

I finely got around again today on the pc or should say able do tothe weather....I was unable to finish looking at few people journals today and finish what I was saying inmind...

I was in activies as a kid like sports...More baseball though...I was crazyover using my hands a lot...Specially when I got into high school...I took classes on how to build houses and build furn,Yes I helpedbelt a house from the grown up in house in my senior year.

Right after high school before I got married I belt my cousin house...As these days I can not lay my hands on tools...Do to my seizures being active sents my ex really screwed up my health (STRESSED) me out...

As working all through the 90s I was aprepcook and a headcook in the dietary business...

See I was not lazy and do stuff growing up and did not think as my self being disability. Like I know some people are "LAZY"....Specially my ex....I can not stand stuff being trashed up...I do not mind stuff around but trashed forget it....It drives me crazy...

Apr 2007
11:41 AM EDT

What a day...It is raining all day long so far here. Last week it was nice and sunny and warm not to cool or to hot just right.....

Apr 2007
1:30 PM EDT

Really where do I start of at? I do not want to make my life sound like a soapra now. I think itis aboring one and some parts off the past is mixed up....I should of thought twice on it before I even made those choices....Like why even I hooked up with my ex...That was a big mistake right there....I lost so much of my life hooking up with her....I need to kick my self in the butt for hooking up with her....She really screwed my life up big time....It took three years after we split I got my life back again....You could say she is like a puppet master and she knows how to control people if you do not watch your back careful....I made that mistake I found out big time.....I was more her slave in the relationship....I hung around more forthe kids our daughters....I wanted to save the marriage if possible but the way she was treating me...I could not see it through the fog...BEFORE IT WAS TO LATE!!!

Apr 2007
9:38 AM EDT

Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begin a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ

Philippians 1:6

Apr 2007
8:23 PM EDT


Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.
Belive in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don't give up and don't give in.
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Hang on to your dreams.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just do it.
Keep trying n matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. or
Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Read, study and learn about everthing important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own desting.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualize it.
Want it more than anything.
Xcellerate your efforts.
You are unique all God's creations, nothing can replace YOU.
Zero in on your target and go for it!
1 comment(s) - 12:46 AM - 04/23/2007

Apr 2007
11:09 AM EDT

I am not sure where to start off at....I like to see this work out but I am not sure if she is 100 percent willing....specially what we been talking about so long now.....I just have to wait and see in the next couple months...I am not go to hang around for ever in this relationship...If it goes no where what we been talking about her.....I am just getting tired of talking about it now all this time and it is going no where....I am willing to wait a couple more months and that is it....I just getting stressed out over this lately....Not fighting with her...Just dealing with other stuff how long will it take....What we planned all this time.....

Apr 2007
9:11 PM EDT

I went out tonight for a late dinner with my mom and younger brother....I enjoyed the evening with mom and brother....I am not sure how many of you go out with your mom or dad or both parents when you are adult often and enjoy the time having ameal with them?....Also just spending the day with them....I do often with my mom...I enjoy it very much so....

Apr 2007
8:44 AM EDT

How is everyone doing so far this week? I hope yourweek went well and this weekend be the same or even better....

As me my week I pretty much hung around here as usual. I did get outdoors and enjoy the warm weather this week though. It findly warmed up again here after being windy for two weeks here and snowed one day here. I guess spring is findly here they say. I hope so. As this weekend I really do not have nothing planned I know of.

Apr 2007
1:56 PM EDT

This whole week has beennormal for me....I am sure Friday will be the same....As the weekend nothing really is going on I am sure of it...I hope your weekend is more exciting than mind is....

Apr 2007
9:25 AM EDT

Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone , tomorrow may never come...

Apr 2007
8:31 PM EDT

If you have been reading my public journals to everyone Thank You!....also those ofyou been replying back to meThanks!

Apr 2007
8:25 AM EDT

So what's life treating youlike? Not much here for me...I can say though at least I am not hanging around all the time being down like I use to be....If you feel that way why not get out enjoy your life before it is to late?

Apr 2007
4:31 PM EDT

I could talk about mypast few yearshow bad I felt but I am not....It is not worth it to bring it up....I just know now I am taking each day now one day at a time now.

Apr 2007
9:06 PM EDT

Anything exciting happening this weekend anyone?....Far as I know nothing for me.

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letstalk's Profile

  • Username: letstalk
  • Gender / Age: Male, 54
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    LETSTALK's Interests:

    About Me: Once people know me...really know me....they say I am friendly to everyone and I have no problems getting long with no one...I was raised that way not to junk people....and I just get long with everyone....

    LETSTALK's Friends: