ladybugmama06's Journal

Feb 2007
11:24 AM EDT

It been 10 years that my cousin giving me a really hard times and getting me depressed. She always think that she is the boss of me but she is not. She think im stupid cause i am hard hearing (deaf) but im not stupid, im smart for not doing something stupid like she did. She is pregnany and I don't think she is doing the right thing cause she is still dying her hair which is bad for the baby and her behavior isn't so good either. She is always jealous of me for some reason and she doesn't need to be so damn jealous of me. I got my own life and she got her damn life. She got husband who is also in the iraq right now and she carried their first baby. I got a beautiful son and im also single mother which is i am really happy about. I hate seeing myself getting hurt by her. I hate being hurt and depressed. It is time for her to stay out of my business and my life for now on! I wish I have something to talk about my life and stuff but i got my mom!

Feb 2007
10:15 AM EDT

I still don't know what is going on with my cousin Kelsey at her dad house! I still don't know what is going on cause there have been rumbor about my cousin Kelsey lying in the family! i know she never does. well anyway, i am worried about my cousin like always cause im her older cousin and it my job to worried about her! Her boyfriend Justin told me that she is going to move to texas and her mom trying to break them up for some reason! I didn't know what is the truth about that still. I know some of my family have lie about thing around that family! I know it been having some mental abuse going on, i know what is like cause i been there since i was little girl. I know how she felt about that. I think it wrong to have some mental abuse going on in my family but i wish i can stop it happened in my family! I love my family but i just need it to stop with lying and abuse stuff!

Nov 2006
11:42 AM EDT

yesterday my mother buy Carl's first ladybug banky. it really cute and he really love it. whenever we go somewhere, he want it with us cause he can't live without it and can't go anywhere without it too. he love sleeping with it too.

Nov 2006
2:55 AM EDT

On October 30, 2006 My Great Grandma Greig died at her house at longview, washington! She was really old around 95 or 96 years old but she wasn't doing too good. I finally get to talk to her for one last time before she go to heaven to see her husband, son, brothers and other family. No one in my family told me about it until i call my dad to see if did she passed away or not. I think i know why the reason they didn't told me cause i lost my grandpa and my aunt in 1999 but i was really hurt when they died. They are afraid if i get hurt again, of course i was hurt but i didn't do anything wrong! all i did was Crying and call my mother to come home quick cause i need a hug. My two months old son trying to figure out why i was crying. I hate crying in front of my two months old son. All I know that she is in the better place right now!
1 comment(s) - 08:10 AM - 11/01/2006

ladybugmama06's Profile

  • Username: ladybugmama06
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    LADYBUGMAMA06's Interests:

    About Me: I used to live in washington state all my life but i was born in North Carolina. March 2006, i move to arizona to live with my mother so she can help me out with my baby boy. im single mother and hearing impaired since i was born!