kimmy's Journal
Sep 2006
5:19 AM CST
Well I started at Wal-mart yesterday (orientation) and it went well. I feel so old, everyone in the class was right out of high school or just started college. I know it's a job and who cares right? Anyway, I feel pretty decent today, I am just gonna try and relax and get some much needed rest.
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Sep 2006
12:32 PM CST
Well I got a job at Wal-Mart and I start tomorrow. I got a bus pass for two weeks, but still no way to work on the weekend, cuz of the schedule I am on. Got bad news from the doctor today as usual. I am still going to try and keep it together, I know I can get through this, I know I can.
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Sep 2006
3:27 PM CST
I am having such an hard time right now-my fiance left me last month, my car was repoed two weeks ago and I have a job now at Wal-mart, but now I have to move in 2 weeks. I won't have a paycheck and I have nowhere to go. I just don't know what to do anymore, I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown.
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Female, 52
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