Walkin in New KiiKz..

Aug 2009
12:12 PM EDT

KiiKz && CharryNana [partner's in crime]

Why is the bond between sister's so strong?

��� It's so crazy how life brings you around people you didn't know and makes them a big part of you. That person tests you� mentally and emotionally. Makes you work harder as a person to show them that anything is possible. Shows you that whether you know it or not someone is counting on you to make a good example. It makes you feel good to know that they kind of respect you and look up to you. I get that with my sister, Kiana May Williams Almarie, CharryNana.

��� I love her and sometimes I wish I would have set a better example for her as her older sister. I feel like what I have�done wrong in my life she sees it and doesn't respect me for it. I have made plenty of mistakes that I wish never happened but then I think about it and realize that whether she knows it or not I am a good role model for her. I showed her that just because we makes mistakes you can still do good. That it is okay to not be perfect. Perfect is something people could never be.

��� I would hope�that she�understand that I wish I could have been there for her all her life, but life has it's way of doing things. I hope she realizes that maybe it was a good thing we met when she was older because now I can talk to her and we can have some kind of understanding.

��� I thank GOD [Allah] that he brought me and her together because then I can tell her some of the mistakes I made and hope she doesn't do what I did. We can learn from eachother and grow from eachother especailly now that we ar emaking life changing decisions. She has been more than just a sister to me but also one of my best friends and I never ever will forget her.

��� Sometimes we fight and get mad at eachother and act like we hate eachother but I feel thats what sisters are there for. For them to get on eachother nerves and to not agree all the time. No matter what at the end things will always be good because thats how strong a bond is when it comes to blood.

��� I am however sad that I am leaving her soon. I mean we have had some really good times and some really bad times but if it wasnt for that me and her wouldnt be as close as we are now. So what makes a sister's bond so strong is the love that they have in thier hearts for eachother.

kiikz's Profile

  • Username: kiikz
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - California
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    KIIKZ's Interests:

    About Me: I have no regrets to my LIFE. Shit happens for a REASON. I'm a LEADER because if i was a FOLLOWER i would get LOST. I am not an ENTERTAINER or an ACTRESS because i dont like to be no one bt ME. I dont take LIFE for GRANTED because there is always a reason to LIVE. Other than that..Im down to EARTH && OUTGOING