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kelly's Journal
Jan 2007
11:42 AM EDT
From the way I look at love I think that even though you break up and move on,you will always love that person no matter what.When me and my boyfriend decided to let it go it was hard at first but even though it hurt me so bad i always told myself to not be afraid to move on but it seemed like I just couldn't let go.From the look on his face he'd make every time id walk past by him it looked like couldn't let go either.1 month has gone by and as im walking to my 6th period i see him walking with his new "girlfriend" and at that time my heart just dropped and i couldn't believe what i had just seen.3 days later I hear him saying that he wanted to break up with that girl because it wasn't the same when he was with me.ever since that day that i found out how he really felt, my heart has been jumping up and down because it so excited!Today one of his friends told me that he said that he really wants to get back with me.so now all i have to do is just wait for him to make that move.Man I still like him!!!!!!
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Jan 2007
11:19 AM EDT
SO YEa hERE I aM lOOKIng AT ThE COMPutER sCReen TRyinG tO fiGUre OUT wHAt tO WRitE aBOUt sO THe FIRSt THing ThAt pOps uP In MY mIND IS mY CRaZY FRienDS! Ok THere'S BRenda....AlTHOUgh she be HooKED uP on everYTHING SHE bE hOOkING Us UP tOO! AlRIGhT THeN thERe'S CHeYANne... She HAs HeR OwN WAyS OF JUst DOinG hER ThAnG BUt she COmES OUT hER DOoR LoOkiNG LiKe MIsS SExY MamA...gRRR!!! aNd then THERes mS. LiL JEssiCA... SHE BE walKing ARoUND wITH hER cuRLY HAirS lOokinG LIKe an INnOCENT LIL niNth grAdER...Ok I thiNK THaTS EnoUGH wriTING...Buh BYE!!!
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Dec 2006
11:15 AM EDT
To be honest I really dont expect some respect from you. All I expect from someone is to be honest of what they think of me. I want to know if someone doesnt like the way I act or the way I am. I know that I may have my own white moments and I could get carried away sometimes but that doesnt mean that someone has to go talk smack behind my back. I'd rather have them come up to me and say to my face than to hear it from other people. I mean if you dont like me just tell me. I would do that. If i dont like you I would go up to you and tell you that something that i dont like about you. I just expect honesty from others.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 33
USA - California
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