Cavalier's Intro

May 2008
12:33 AM EST

Empathy--What's that?

It's not uncommon to see someone with a long face (lord knows I had My share)and to not skip a beat. Is it we don't care? Well, often we don't know the person and it causes the don't ask ritual. However, regardless of how bad we may feel, are we not a little lifted when someone has acknowledged our blues? For someone who feels lousey. Even the slighest glimmer of hope is revealed when people show others, I care and I don't even know you! Consider: How's your day going? You look heavy, I'm a good listener. That's personal interest. That's hope in the human species. That's empathy. Kcavalier

keith's Profile

  • Username: keith
  • Gender / Age: Male, 64
  • Location: USA - Georgia
    Photo Album

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    KEITH's Interests:

    About Me: Born and raised in Louisiana

    Interests: drawing,photography,woodworking,traveling

    Favorite Music: Nickelback,Zepplin,JT,etc.

    Favorite Movies: Gone With the Wind

    Favorite Television: 24,CSI,Law and order

    Favorite Books: Gurilla Marketing