kayiwik14's Journal

Jul 2010
12:11 PM CST


Okay so I went to my new Dr. today and I knew that I would find out the results to my gallbladder test. I was kind of curious to what it would say because during the gallbladder test they give you medicine to make your gallbladder work and right when they gave it to me I got insanely sick feeling. Then they stopped the drip (it was through an IV) and it immediately got better. So that's why I figured something would be wrong. Anyways, sure enough I was right. My gallbladder isn't functioning right. So my dr. told me it was best to go ahead and take it out. Normally this wouldn't be good news for someone but for me.. it kinda is good news just because of the fact that my dr. told me it would most likely help all my symptoms! Which is amazing! We haven't scheduled a appointment yet but the surgeon is supposed to call me sometime to schedule it.

I'm still going to go to my therapist though just because I think it will be good for me. Especially when I go back to school.. because I tend to get stressed out about that really easily. & I go to my therapist tomorrow so we should see how that goes. He's supposed to start this thing called "biofeedback" on me tomorrow. I'm not gonna lie.. I'm kind of excited about it :)
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kayiwik14's Profile

  • Username: kayiwik14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Florida