kayiwik14's Journal

Jul 2010
9:38 AM CST

Therapist Visits - #1

Okay so I have a therapist. My doctors recommended me one so
that I could "cope" with being sick. Especially since it's
been so long they said it's bound to take a toll on me
sometime. I always thought that going to a "counselor" means
that you have something wrong with you and that you have
emotional problems. So obviously as soon as they recommended
that I wasn't up for the idea of visiting a therapist once a
week for who knows how long. Last Friday was my first
appointment we had to travel about an hour and a half to
this certain expensive therapist my family wants me to see.
They just want to make sure that I get the best help

So for this entry I wanted to note about what the therapist
told me. Also I just want to say that I actually like my
therapist and I can't wait to go back to him next Friday.
(Which I will right about in another entry)

For this visit all he did was ask me a few questions and
gave me a technique to try while at home.

He made me realize that I tend to keep things inside and
don't share how im feeling. (which is partly why i decided
an online journal, also the reason I set it to public
because I felt if I kept it private, I would be defeating
the purpose of not keeping it inside).. Anyways back to the
my session, he made me realize that recently I just got to
where I don't even talk about being sick anymore. I don't
tell my family when I am hurting or when I feel sick. (I
will go more into detail about whats wrong with me in
another entry). I just keep it all to myself so half the
time they don't know how bad im feeling. He made me realize
that the reason I do this is because I feel it's pointless
now to even tell them... nothing they can do will make me
feel better, so why even tell them?

He went into more detail about what he could possibly do to
help my situation & ended the session with a breathing
technique to try at home 5 times a day for four seconds and
two breaths. (Just learn to breathe from your diaphragm
rather than your chest.)

Can't wait to talk to him in my next session.
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kayiwik14's Profile

  • Username: kayiwik14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Florida