Slept a bit later than usual but still got the workout and breakfast in before heading to work.
Strength training day is still the tougher of the two days for me as I'm continuing to find myself weak in the pushup department.� I'm unable to do all of them and in some cases even when wimping out to the "girly" pushups.� Am figuring the strength will return in time.� If I'm still struggling after another two weeks I'll be sure to work on pushups in the evening as well to build up my strength.
Made the mistake a couple days back on getting on the scale and found myself back at 214 again.� I'm thinking at this point the scale is more a discouragement and a distraction than a gauge of success.� I'm eating what I should, feeling firmer though neither the scale or the mirror are as yet my friends in this department.� Persistence is the only thing that will help me to win out in the end.