jleigh09's Journal

Oct 2006
11:40 AM WEDT

confusion and emotions can get the better of u if u let them they can take over everything.yet why is it we still let them? why is it we constntly we criticise our selves based on our emotions our fears and our physical state. why i it we cant be happy just as we our?
1 comment(s) - 01:17 PM - 10/12/2006
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jleigh09's Profile

  • Username: jleigh09
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: United Kingdom
    JLEIGH09's Interests:

    About Me: i an 21 from England with a gorgous 22 month old son. I dont get alot of time to myself and i spose this is my way of getting my thoughts together and just being me not just mum, daughter,sister or girlfriend just jamie.

    Interests: i love music and art even though i dont get chance to draw or paint anymore. i love to shop for my son and partner and i love pampering myself once in a while.

    Favorite Music: i enjoy most music apart from opera, musical and classical i love r&b and hip hop i also enjoy a bit of regae,dance,drum and base and club remix's.

    Favorite Movies: i enjoy romance an comedy i love anything i can cry to i know i'm sad! i enjoy chick flicks an some action films. i love anything sexy.

    Favorite Television: i love soaps and comedy sitcoms such as fiends and my wife and kids. i also enjoy typical british comedy and c.s.i programmes.


    JLEIGH09's Friends: