jleigh09's Journal

Sep 2006
10:45 PM WEDT

went into town in the end today couldnt be bothered to sit in with nan went and did a bit of shopping with my sister. Tyler is crying at the mo he is shattered but wont give in my mum has him at th mo she often takes him for a couple of hours in the evening to give me a break bless her.Stevens at work all day today started at 8am finishes at 11 tonight hoping he will phone me later on his way home. probably will normally does bless him.i hate it being away from him at night my bed feels lonely. i got no one to hu up to when i feel cold or just want a hug. i hate wking up in the mornings on my own well tyler with me in his cot next to my bed bu i mean all of us as a family. i thought steven was going off me but i know he isnt it just took me a while to realise that we have changed. we have had to change our relationship to work round tyler and i think that was hard for me as before all it was, was us! the last week or so i have been doing alot of thinking bout me steven our future and i dont know what it holds but i know that right now he makes me so happy and i have never felkt so inlove with anyone in my whole life. All the guys i have been with dont compare to steven they never made me feel like this i feel lost without steven. when we argue my heart aches and when we are apart i miss him so much i love knowing he is near by there u know it reminds me i'm not alone. i will never forget that new years eve when we got togeather it was all so sudden and exciting we kissed for the first time at midnight i will never forget it or how i felt. i will never forget the day after that we spent the whole day in bed just holding each other anbd hugging up and talking getting to know each other it was great. i'm a soft cow i'm typing this with a big grin on my face like a cheshure cat. i feel on cloud 9 at the mo i dunno why i just realised how lucky i am to have a great guy and gorgous son and a healthy relationship. i am finaly being tearted well and feel happy after everything that has happened that last couple of years i found someone who full feels my life.
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jleigh09's Profile

  • Username: jleigh09
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: United Kingdom
    JLEIGH09's Interests:

    About Me: i an 21 from England with a gorgous 22 month old son. I dont get alot of time to myself and i spose this is my way of getting my thoughts together and just being me not just mum, daughter,sister or girlfriend just jamie.

    Interests: i love music and art even though i dont get chance to draw or paint anymore. i love to shop for my son and partner and i love pampering myself once in a while.

    Favorite Music: i enjoy most music apart from opera, musical and classical i love r&b and hip hop i also enjoy a bit of regae,dance,drum and base and club remix's.

    Favorite Movies: i enjoy romance an comedy i love anything i can cry to i know i'm sad! i enjoy chick flicks an some action films. i love anything sexy.

    Favorite Television: i love soaps and comedy sitcoms such as fiends and my wife and kids. i also enjoy typical british comedy and c.s.i programmes.


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