jezebel's Journal

Feb 2007
7:14 AM EDT

Letters to Mr. Brown

What do I expect of others? Well, apparently a lot more than others are willing to give me. I expect for people tohonor their words. I expect for people to be honest with me. I expect to be able to trust people that I care about. But I guess that's just too much to ask. I guess what I expect and what I deserve are too very different things. Apparently I am not worthy of the things that I expect from others.

Feb 2007
6:46 PM EDT

Letters to Mr. Brown,

You have been gone for 6 days. And I have missed you every second. Every minute. Every hour. I wish you knew exactly how much I love you.

jezebel's Profile

  • Username: jezebel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
  • Location: USA - Texas