jesssie's Journal

Aug 2007
3:13 AM EST

I know it's pretty early still, its only 9 oclock - fairly early for a teenager who usually sleeps in past noon. I will probably be writing a few more times today, if not just once; but right now here are my thoughts.

The one part of my body I have to give most credit to, would be my brain. More specifically, the memory. Memories are like subconscious movies that could play over and over in your head, and your brain just stores them? Like, I really don't know. I am very happy they exist though - no matter how great, or how upsetting they may be.

It's back to school on the 4th of September, for me. I have to admit, for someone who isn't too big on school, I'm really excited. I'll take that statement back after the first week though, I promise! Ebay is a great thing. I got like 5 pairs of flats (brand new!) for under $60? I'm pretty sure thats a good deal, and that is including S&H. So.. I think I made off quite well with that one. Speaking of shoes, and clothes too, I seriously need a job. I really do! A good one.. I applied at Tim Hortonsa couple months ago and never heard back from them, which is kind of disappointing because I really was looking forward to that job. But now I guess I'll have to apply somewhere else. I really hope Swiss Chalet is hiring. My friend Julie works there and she says it really is great. I'm hoping she's right... and I'm hoping I get hired!

And, I REALLY LIKE THIS GUY. But, as luck would have it.. he has a girlfriend. The thing is, he liked me before and I lost my chance because I was waiting around for someone else. Proves that waiting around for someone never does you good -especially since in my case, the guy i was waiting around for never came through and I ended up losing him as well. That's basically the story of my life.

I have an incredible person to thank for everything she has done and helped me with. TKE! I love you to death! You truly are a best friend to me, and I couldn't even replace you if I tried; so do not worry about a thing.

I think that is it for right now.

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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