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jesssie's Journal
Aug 2007
1:17 PM EST
Dear friend,
You're my entire life. Where would I be without you? You are the person who shed light on every dark situation, you gave hope to me when I had run out. You lifted my spirits when they were six feet under, you've basically done more than I could have asked for.
Well, that's what I would like to think of you. The truth is, you're hardly ever there. You hardly ever help me in any situation. A lot of times, I really want to come to you, but you're not there for me. I hope you know I'd drop everything for you, I'd honestly do whatever it took to make you find your way in this life. You don't see it though, you don't want to get better. You don't want the help that I'm giving, or that anyone is giving. You run away from everyone who tries to come close.
I'm going to make a promise to you. A promise, that unlike you- I can guarantee I'll keep. I'm not going to make it so you can take advantage of it, or so you can walk all over me like im some kind of welcome home carpet in front of a door; no.
The promise is this : I will never leave your side. I will always be there when you need me. When you fall down, I'll help you up. When you finally recover from the state that you're in, I'll lead you back on the right path. You will do and be everything you've ever wanted.
You have to believe in yourself, in order for others to believe in you. It's clear to me that you have no idea on what direction you want to take in your life. You are so confused that you've resorted to be some kind of 'rebel'. I wish you knew how much it tears me apart; to watch you do this to yourself, and your family. I care about you so much, I love you so much; I need you, so much.
After everything I've done for you, you treat me like you take me for granted, i wouldnt be surprised if you actually do.
Well, please stop. Because the longer you continue to push me aside, the longer it will take for you to gain me back when you might just need me.
I love you, I want you to be better. I want you to care at least half as much as I do. And I know, thats not too much to ask from you.
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