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jesssie's Journal
Aug 2007
9:27 AM EST
Sometimes I feel selfish, because I want things to be all about me. And i guess, maybe that is a little selfish! But I really do try, I try to look out for my friends and family, I try to give them everything they deserve, and more. Sometimes I feel like no one appreciates anything I do- it makes me want to stop caring about anyone else but myself; i seem to be the only person who truly appreciates anything i give.
It hurts me when people say that they only care about themselves because they are just in this life for themselves. Okay, well that may be true, but why not make everyones lives a little easier while you're at it? Wouldnt you love if,a nice generous person gave you something or told you a piece of advice that changed your life forever? Maybe that has happened- and if it has, you know what im talking about.
Im not sure if i have ever had this experience, but i really hope one day someone starts to genuinely care about others. I dont mean giving them stuff, although thats always nice and I'd never complain.. but, im talking about respect here. Respect, dignity and everything else.
In Canada, since when is it okay to have sex with 88903482934 people before you reach adulthood? We're growing up too fast! We're not enjoying our childhoods. We don't do what kids used to do, and the only excuse people seem to come up with is 'times have changed, its different now'. WELL NO SHIT ITS DIFFERENT. but WHY? why did we let it come to this anyways? We brag about how many people we've slept with, all the things we've stolen and gotten away with, the drugs, the booze, the partying.
Where did our morals go? Since when is it some joke to lose your education and end up on the streets? Is this what we want our future kids to have to go through? WHY EVEN BOTHER WITH ANOTHER GENERATION! I know i wouldnt want my child growing up in todays society. Theres not enough good left, its all bad and immoral and nothing is what it seems. You can't trust anyone, you have to learn to have your guard up at all times.
It REALLY is sad when thats what it has come to. I'm not even 15 yet, and even I realize whats going on. Its not right.
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