jesssie's Journal

Aug 2007
4:03 PM EST

What are we about? Why do we cry, why do we feel, why do we triumph and sometimes feel bad about it? Is there something else we're missing, here? Is our mind, body and spirit all connected or is it all just made up to comfort the human race? There are so many questions, and not enough answers. there are just not enough answers for us. But if we knew all the answers, there would not be any point in living, for we are living to discover the answers. we will never fully understand why we are here, but that does not mean that we cant try our best to understand!
And, what exactly is our best,anyways? Is our best trying so hard that we cant try anymore? Or, maybe its pushing our bodies to the point of exhaustion. Or, maybe our best, is simply just our best? And we have to hope that our best is good enough for someone, anyone, or everyone. And if its not, our best has to be for ourselves. If its in our minds, we are the best, we feel that way until someone tells us differently.
Which, brings me to my next question. Why do humans care about what other people think of them? Why do humans put so much effort into pleasing other people, when thats not the point at all. We are not here to please other people, which seems to be the complete opposite of what most humans are trying to accomplish. Well, I think I have also fallen into the trap of pleasing other people, because it makes you feel good to please someone else. It feels good to know that someone appreciates you, someone notices something that you've accomplished, when someone actually cares about how you feel and what you do. There is a far more worse type of trying to please someone though.
That could possibly be, trying to please everyone around you. No matter what, you can't please everyone. It's like a law or something. Not everyone is going to agree with you, not everyone is going to like the things you are doing and the things you want to do. It's what sets us apart from each other; having the courage to stand up for what you want and how you want to do it is the most pleasing of all.

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  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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