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jenv's Journal
Jan 2016
2:00 PM CST
The Beginning
So here I am, at the beginning, well the start of this, not really going back to birth on, but from here on out! �Ive decided to start a "diary" blog, journal whatever, as a stress relief measure and way to vent without driving anyone crazy. �What better way then to vent to myself and to anyone who is very bored wanting to look at my entries , lol.
I have started this as recently I have had a cancer scare (waiting on the biopsy results) and have realized that I am not really comfortable talking about my personal life with many people, and the ones that I do confide in are not going to want to hear me worrying about the same things over and over again!
I am still hoping with all of my heart that the results come back as negative, but some things have made me think that everything is not ok.
For anyone who is really bored and stumbles across this, I apologize in advance, my grammer and capitalization and punctuation leave alot to be desired. �It's not that I can't do it, I just get lazy or in a hurry typing and cant be bothered with the small things, Life is just to short to worry about putting�periods and commas!
the start
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Jan 2016
3:07 PM CST
About me
The best way I can describe me is ordinary, normal, just, me. �I am 35 have 3 girls (ages 19,16, and 13) Ive lived in Moose Jaw, Sk. my entire life . I have a boyfriend, well; common law husband that I have been with for 15 years, I waitress in a cafe , 6 and a half years there. �I have a few very close friends (one is my sister lol) and a lot of people I know but just talk to in passing. �My hobbies are facebook , pogo, and reading. � I have a great sense of humor and will laugh or make jokes in pretty much any situation... anyone who is serious all the time usually does not get along well with me . �My hubby is the same way which is why we probably get along prretty good.Im content with my life, I dont have dreams of being famous or moving to some big city and never did, although I wouldnt mind winning the lotto and being a little rich , haha! �I am confident in my abilities but not in myself, which I know sounds funny, best way to put it is a low self esteem but certain things I know I do well (writing isnt one of them ha!) �So just a quick note about me!
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Jan 2016
3:31 PM CST
So tomorrow is the big day, results for biopsy appt at 10, so scared but dont want to wait anymore either. �I am still holding onto hope that its not bad news. ��either way i guess maybe Ill be able to sleep better knowing one way or the other. �Not much else to say today, Million thoughts running through my head , what ifs etc but I dont want to walk down that road unless I have too. �Pray for me if youre into that, I could use the luck!
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- 08:08 PM - 01/26/2016
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Female, 45
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