Jane W

Jan 2009
6:20 PM EDT

January 12, 2009

Hope everyone is recovered from the Holidays. I had a great time while I was visiting everyone at home but I certainly was happy to get back to my not so glamorous life and not be over eating and over drinking every day. All in all thought it was great vacation and I am grateful for everyone I got to spend time with.

So as many of you may know on January 05, 2009 I started my new job with Fitz Motorsports. My position with the company is on well defined but right now I am acting as the human resource department processing all the paper work for the new 2009 team they are putting together. I am also helping the travel arrangement for the up coming season. However, everyday there is a new challenge that has to be dealt with and I find my role with the company expanding! I like it though. Never really sure what the day is going to bring and it certainly is a great learning experience for me. I have found all of my coworkers to be really great. The core group of office/mgt staff all get a long really well! The coworker I have most contact with is Liz. She is just fabulous and we get along great. If you thought I was high energy…wait until you meet her! On our first day they said Liz and I would be sharing an office. It seemed a little odd as we have so many open offices. However when I saw the office we were getting….I had not problems sharing. It is a huge office located right at the front of the building. 3 sides of the office is complete windows. We have a great view and it is totally cool space. The only down side is I have to make sure that no one is entering the building when I decide to pick the food out of my teeth after lunch. Other than that this is the best office space I’ve ever occupied.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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