Jane W

Dec 2008
5:21 PM EDT

December 12, 2008

Thank you very much if you are reading this journal posting. It means that you have probably checked the site many times to find that I had not posted anything for quite some time. In mid November I finished up with my work at the Jeff Gordon Racing School and I am now looking for my next big gig. I am now working a seasonal job at a local department store. I work at the fragrance counter. It’s pretty fun work, the people are nice and the schedule allows me to continue job hunting. I have many irons in the fire, some are mildly hot and other are just warm but everyday I try to stick a new one in there. I am confident that I fill find the right opportunity for me, it just takes patients (lots of patients).

I really have not written because I felt that I did not have much to report and that was because professionally things are moving at a snails pace. It’s not good or bad, it’s just how it is. However, personally things are just great. I told someone yesterday that professionally this is about the lowest point I have ever been at in my working life but personally I am doing quite well. I feel that I have really grown as in individual since I moved to Mooresville. Surviving in a city where you know, no one, really makes a person go outside their “comfort zone”. I am grateful for the opportunity I have been provided to really expand my horizons. It’s a great felling to know that when required you can step up to the plate and do what is required. It has been a real boost in my confidence level that things greater that I ever could have imagined can be accomplished.

Jokingly I told a friend today that having to take a seasonal job at department store while pursing my “dream job” and�earing not�much more that minimum wage (which I don’t even really now what it is, but I do know you can’t survive very long on it) will make for some good drama in my memoirs. I consider this my “paying my dues” time.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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