October 10, 2008
Well, the big traveling gig at JGRS has come to an end.� Our final traveling date was to�Kentucky Motor Speedway.� It will resume again in January 2009 with a trip to Miami.� There are still dates to work here in Concord but no more traveling.� When I started traveling with the racing school the work was a little (a lot) crazy and I was not sure how I was going to make it thru.� Now that I have survived the whole season I do have to say it was a great experience.� I found my grove and really started having fun with my job after about the first month.� The days were long and the weather was hot but it also had some great benefits.� One of those being, the people that I worked with.� I have really meet some great folks and over the summer had made some new friends which is something that is really important when you move to a city where you do not know anyone.� I have really become comfortable going out and entertaining myself but it is much better to know you can pick up the phone and call a friend when you can’t figure out what it is you want to do.� I am grateful for the opportunity to have met so many great.� Everyone comes with a different perspective and life experiences, which, when you get to know, them can really broaden your own horizons.�