Jane W

Sep 2008
4:40 AM EDT

September 27, 2008

Wow…a couple of weeks ago we were saying what happened to gas prices. They just went up up up. Here in NC the highest I saw was about $ 4.29. Now they have come down to about $ 3.99 to $ 4.19 - but we have no gas. Yes, I said no gas. I’m not sure what is happening! There is not much on the news and when I ask other people no one really seems to know. Yesterday there were only 2 stations in Mooresville that had gas. For those who do not know Mooresville is about twice the size of Wausau. It’s really crazy, only 2 stations with gas. The lines at stations have been causing traffic jams all over the city. It was a really scary thought yesterday when I was driving to work that the gas I had in my tank was all I might for a while. And to think I was wasting that gas on going to work….I did hear on the radio this morning that we are expecting some gas soon!

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  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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