Jane W

Sep 2008
3:53 PM EDT

September 10, 2008

Talladega Alabama was the next port for of call for the Jeff Gordon Racing School. We left Concord about 12:30 and arrived in Talladega about 8 pm. It was a little late to go to the race track so we went directly to the hotel. Arriving at the hotel is usually pretty uneventful. Well not this time. At first glance it looked like a scene from Animal House. Most of the doors on the hotel rooms were open, people had had chairs outside and were hanging out on the balcony and there were kids every where. When I got to my room there was a 2 year in his diaper outside playing with a paper plate and a very large black bug!!!! Come to find out that the hotel was housing people who had been evacuated from the hurricanes in Louisiana. When we returned from the track on Thursday everyone was gone. They must have been cleared to return home.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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