Jane W

Sep 2008
5:44 AM EDT

September 3, 2008

As some of you know I have had an issue with my upper lip being numb. After lots of testing my neurologist was not able to come up with anything that would be causing the problem, but did find�I was in great health. The situation still purists so I decided to address the issue again. This time I decided to see an acupuncturist. I will start off by saying it does not hurt when they insert the needles. It’s actually quite a relaxing experience. So far the treatments have not relieved the numbness but I have found it extremely interesting to find out more about Traditional Chinese Medicine. They have a very different philosophy from western medicine, in a nut shell they believe in bringing balance, harmony and well-being to individuals. The symptoms we present – such as my numbness – they believe is due to an imbalance in my body. Thru acupuncture, diet, exercise and meditation they believe you can strengthen what is deficient and disperse what is in excess in your body.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 57
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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