Jane W

Aug 2008
7:56 PM EDT

August 13, 2008

Next on the traveling schedule was Richmond Virginia. What a great trip only 4 hours!!! It was a prefect weekend in Richmond. The weather was beautiful, our capacities at the school were reasonable; it was just an all around good time. Friday night “the guys” wanted to go cart racing. I opted to go, my work partner decided to stay back at the hotel. Shannon’s first trip with the school was Iowa. She’s a great gal but life on the road had not been good for her – particularly concerning her bowels, if you get what I mean. So she decided to stay in that night and take a little medicine to try and relieve herself. The last trip she tried exlax, this time it was a 6 pack of bud light. So we arrive at the go track – it is an indoor facility. When we get in side and I take a look I realize this is not “mini golf” type go cart place, this is serious! The first round my goal was just to hang in there, not embarrass myself and certainly not to sustain any major industries. I did not do too bad my first round, although most of it was a complete blur because I just held the gas down and tried as hard as I could to make every turn. After some advice from my coworkers on how to navigate the track I improved significantly, I even passed one of the boys. It was really a blast but by the time we were finished with the 3rd round my arms were wasted. I don’t think I could have gone again, thankfully it was late and we needed to head back to the hotel. The road show is on a break now for 2 weeks. JGRS has offered me work in the office to keep me employed fulltime while we are not traveling. I don’t to anything very exciting. I’m kind of the odd jobs gal, but works work right now. I did follow up with the Cabarrus County Visitors Bureau and they are still 30 – 60 days out on make a decision. While I what to hear more about that job I will continue at JGRS. They are two more traveling dates this month, Atlanta and Talladega. I have been to Atlanta before and Talladega should be interesting.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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