Jane W

Jul 2008
6:56 PM EDT

July 10, 2008

I had a great time back in WI for the 4th of July weekend. Thank you everyone who came to dinner at Jud’s on Wednesday, it was great to see everyone. We had a super weekend up north at Braun’s Haven. The weather was great and I think a good time was had by all. My trip to and from Charlotte was pretty uneventful. Trying to leave the airport in Charlotte however was a different story. I knew when I left for WI that I was potentially going to have some problems as I totally forgot to check what parking lot I parked in at the airport. When I got on the shuttle bus to the parking lot the gentleman driving asked what lot I was in. I literally did not know what to tell him. I could tell by the look his face that he did not think this was a good situation. He started to ask me some questions to try and narrow down the area of the lot I might have parked in. He dropped me off in the area I “thought” I might be in. He said he was going to drop of the other lady on the shuttle and he would be back to help me. With suitcase in tow I started to walk the isle hitting the unlock button. By the grace of God I found my car after only 3 isles. I was incredible grateful for that. It could have turned out to be a very long night. When I was leaving the lot I asked if the parking attendant could radio the shuttle driver and tell him that the gray Chevy trailer blazer with Wisconsin plates had found her!!

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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