Jane W

Jun 2008
5:42 AM EDT

June 04, 2008

THE HEAT IS ON! I am getting my first experience with the hot weather here in the south. Yesterday is was 88, today 94 and tomorrow it is going to be 97. Thank God I’m leaving town to head to Atlanta, it’s only a high 93 for the weekend. Yesterday I had to work outside all day. We are getting our merchandise trailer ready to go on the road. We had to inventory existing stock and then load it up with new merchandise, reorganize, and get it all cleaned up. What I found working in the heat is that if you just move at a steady pace it’s not so bad. Once you get over the creepy feeling of having sweaty underwear it’s all right. I just reminisce about the days at Hartman’s and frying chicken in the heat. Now, I only have to stand on an asphalt track with only adds about 20 degrees, the chicken fryer�was much hotter than that.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse

never to have tried to succeed.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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