Jane W

May 2008
4:37 AM EDT

May 29, 2008

Completed my first day of work with JGSR. We were “on track” here at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. It was an absolutely fantastic day for racing. I was basically getting trained in all the different jobs we have to do at the “check in center”. When the guests arrive they get check in make sure they have all their paper worked signed. They get their race gear and so forth. Then they are off to have their pictures taken with the show cars. All the clients then have to be entered into the computer systems so we can keep track of their lap times and print out their certificates at the end of their drive. All the pictures that are taken then put into the different framing options that are available. When they are done with their ride they return to turn in their gear and pick up there stats and pictures. That’s lots of fun…the people are excited to see how they did while they were driving.��� I attended the drivers meeting to learn more about the process�and what the drivers learn. They take all the students out in a passenger van to get them orientated to the track and give them driving tips. The instructors really want to teach the guests some driving skills so they can maximize their experience (go as fast as possible).

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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