Jane W

May 2008
6:14 AM EDT

May 20, 2008

Very Exciting News. I just got call from Lindsey, my contact over at Lowe’s Motor Speedway. She asked if on Saturday and Sunday I would be willing to take another assignment. Who am I to say no, works works. She then tells me that the Suite Attendant for Humpy Wheeler just called and is not able to make it and asked if I could replace her. Now this does may not seem that exciting to many of you but is because you do not know “Mr. Humpy” as they refer to him at the track. He is the General Manager/President of Lowe’s Motor Speedway and a well know person in the NASCAR world. This is a great opportunity for me!!!

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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