Jane W

May 2008
8:56 AM EDT

May 19, 2008


How exciting it was to travel to work!!!�� People are everywhere and the town is really a buzz with everyone in town for the race. I was afraid the travel situation would be really difficult but it was not nearly as bad as I expected. I cruised right into the speedway and was only slightly held up about 3 blocks from the track. My assignment for the first day at Lowe’s was to work as an “usher”. When people arrived at the Speedway Club I would direct them to their destination, whether they were there for dinner, shopping, drinks and of course to their seats. The Speedway Club has over 4500 members who pay at a minimum $ 2700.00 pp to belong. That is just the membership; they then have to pay for their tickets. They have access to some of the best seating available. The club seating is right on the front stretch, enclosed, air conditioned and has very nice cushioned stadium seating. The day got off to a slow start as we had to be at work at 11:00 and guest really did not start coming until about 3:00. Gave me a good chance to chat with some of the other works, I had a great group of people I was working with. Day One finally ended at 11:30. I drove directly home and went straight to bed – I was beat!

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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