Jane W

May 2008
4:54 PM EDT

May 18, 2008

Thursday night I went downtown Charlotte to watch the NASCAR Pit Crew Challenge. I would have to say that was probably the best $ 15.00 I’ve ever spent. It is a very exciting event. The�challenge was held at a small arena so you really got an up close look at the pit crew members doing their thing! Before going to the event my day was pretty uneventful. Just taking care of�mundane tasks like finding new car insurance and how to register my car in North Carolina – exciting, right???? Friday it’s off to my first day at Lowe’s Motor Speedway.� It's hard to believe that I'm acutally excited to go to work.

Better to do something imperfectly than do nothing perfectly.

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  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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