Jane W

May 2008
4:36 AM EDT

May 9, 2008,


So I’m already a couple of days behind on my diary.� Not really off to a good start.� But I’m not going to give up.� I will just get back on the wagon.� I might just have to give in to the fact that I can’t do it daily.� So Crystal told me about a volunteer opportunity with the NASCAR Foundation.� She said it’s a good way to volunteer (item # 3) plus get out and network.� So I signed up to volunteer at the Telethon that they are having coming up on May.� It is held at the Sam Bass (famous NASCAR artist) Gallery.� It should be fun.� The event is in conjunction with NASCAR day.� Yesterday, I went over to Lowe’s Motor Speedway to inquire about work.� Did not have great success but I got a name of someone to call.�� We have exchanged several messages but had not connected yet.� After Lowes’s I stopped over at the Jeff Gordon School of Racing.� That was much more productive…..I actually had an interview today.� They are going to get back to me on Monday.� Keep your fingers XXX.

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  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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