Jane W

May 2008
4:34 AM EDT

May 05, 2008

Today I put 3 items on my “to do” list. These are things that in the past I said I did not have time for because I was too busy working. Well guess what – I’m not too busy working now! So this morning I got up and went to Church Service at St Theresa’s Catholic Church here in Mooresville. They hold daily mass at 9 am. It was similar to going to mass during the week in Athens, there were about 20 people there and the mass lasted about 20 minutes and I was at least 20 years younger than anyone else there.��� Later in the day I took care of another item on my list. I went to a local gym and signed up for a 7 day free pass. Thought I would check it out before I commit to an entire month of exercising. Went to an evening yoga class. It was great, the instructor actually gives everyone a little facial massage at the end of the class. I struck up a conversation with a gal named Crystal. Turns out she works for a company called MMI, Motor Management Incorporated. They manage about 25 NASCAR drivers like Tony Stewart and Matt Kenseth. I am looking forward to getting to know Crystal and more about MMI!!! I guess it’s an incentive to go to Yoga. 2 items down, 1 to go.

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  • Username: janewisniewski
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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