itsjustme's Journal

Dec 2006
11:15 AM CST

Hello, here again. So monday is almost over. All weekend I worried myself almost to death. i was so nervous I could hardly sleep. For some reason I knew something was not going to go right. Then, this morning went ok. Everything seemed to be going just fine. Then, i was trying to do some paperwork, and being new at the software we use I was a little unsure of myself, and then it started. The damn thing wouldn't work right. Not having anyone around to ask, it just makes me frustrated. So, one task left undone. Then, here we are having more and more problems with the city inspectors trying to get our project on track. They make me so mad. Its like they are purposely delaying us now. Like its a game. Stress is all they are adding to the mix for me and my co-workers. Damn, I'd feel better if only I could get this paperwork done right. I can't believe something so petty is driving me so batty.
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itsjustme's Profile

  • Username: itsjustme
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: USA - Texas