ilovejesus0312's Journal

Oct 2007
2:44 AM PST

Job Corps: The Journey
October 18, 2007

So today is officially my third day at Job Corps. A lot has gone on that I don't have time to explain at this point but will do my best. To sum it all up in one word: confusing. Trying to get situated, figuring out where my dorms were and finding out I'm on somewhat of a different schedule than the normal student or so it seems. The staff are super friendly and professionable. The food isn't as great as good ol' home cooking, but it sure beats popcorn and cookies for lunch and dinner. Just kidding...sorta. Yesterday I got the generic tour of the campus, ate more cafeteria food and basically went around meeting people mass the majority of the day.

I gotta admit, Ihave really been feeling challeneged and struggling a bit since I got here. It's not that I haven't had a great time so far but it also been quite a shock to see everything that I am. I walked off that bus and immediately felt different because I know I am. The top three things I spotted about most kids that are different from me is: 1) They swear. Big time. 2) 75-85% of the kids smoke and 3) Many conversations I am around are plain gross. It's not a diss on anybody up here but these are the three things I noticed right away that are different from who I am. I feel like I'm a small minority of people whose beliefs, values and morals are relatively the same. The atmosphere is totally different from what I am used to.

I know that God has brought me up here for more reasons than just to learn a good trade. I am convinced that somehow I should be doing something for God but just am not sure of what. I will not lose faith nor hope for it brings me comfort to know that there is something greater in life to look forward to than this. One of my roommates last night was asking "Why am I here? What's the point of being miserable here if there's nothing worth living for at all?" I know I'm butchering his question a bit but I had a sudden thought regarding it. I pulled out my bible and I read him Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have in store for you" declares the Lord, "Not to harm you but to prosper you..." and something like that. I need to memorize that verse. That's the basic message I told him was that God already has a plan for him and that we all (my roommates and I) are up here for a reason, whatever that reason may be we don't know. What I do know is that we are called to serve God and bring Him glory in everything we say, think and do. My desire is to serve the purpose that is in store for me up here.

Yes, my emotions have been on a roller coaster ride since I got here but I have not lost sight of my goals and reasons for coming here. Most everything is easier said than done, especially when serving the Lord. I know that as long as I continue to lean on God these obsticals with the kids, the challenges of learning rules that haven't been explained and all else will fall in place. I am told that these next 2-4 weeks will be the hardest. If I could have one prayer request, it would be that no matter what happens in the course the time here that I keep a level head and keep my focus on God and my goals.

I will write more when I have time. For now I must go.


Oct 2007
4:02 AM PST

Job Corps: The Journey
October 13, 2007

Well, today is Saturday and I am only a few more days away from leaving for Job Corps. I have been spending all week running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to not only get ready to leave, but also to spend time with my family and friends. I went to my college group The Way for the last time last night. I am sure gonna miss everybody there. It has seriously been a huge blessing to go to a church I finally feel like I belong at. I admit that while I am very excited about the prospect of going out on this new adventure that is taking place very soon, I am also saddened by the realization that I really AM leaving everyone and everything I know and love behind to pursue this. You could say I am literally leaving my "comfort zone" behind.

I recognize all of those feelings that I know are there, but I also find that for some reason I have not actually FELT them. It confuses me to see and know what I should feel but yet actually don't, at least not right now. My guess would be that while I can see the reality all around me, the concept of it all hasn't actually sunk in quite yet. Why that is, I don't know, but I do know that when it finally does then I will feel it for sure.

With it already being 12:52pm, the only real thing I've got going today is I am going to go visit my dad and stepmom at 4ish for dinner, games, talking and shooting pool. If I have time, I will also most likely attempt to get myself somewhat organized with everything I am packing because right now my room is an absolute disaster zone. Not to downsize or insult Hurricane Katrina, but you could say that my room looks roughly it's equal. In other words: it's pretty bad even for me.

I've got a pretty busy day tomorrow as well. Church in the morning, followed by ice skating with an old friend from high school I haven't seen in 2 years and dinner at 5pm with my mom and stepdad. I have never been this busy before in my life, but at least once I get back around Christmas break I will have some time to hang out at home and just chill. I will probably write more once I get there and settled a bit. Until then, farewell!


1 comment(s) - 02:52 PM - 10/14/2007

ilovejesus0312's Profile

  • Username: ilovejesus0312
  • Gender / Age: Male, 39
  • Location: USA - Oregon
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