I need youuu.

Aug 2009
12:18 PM EDT

Okay, so, I'm better today. (:

So, I spent the night at Jenna's house and we were talking about Alex. =/ And so she made me realize how unlikely it is that I will have a class with him. I have AP�US�History instead of normal US History so he won't be in that class. Then I'm a year ahead in math so he won't be in that class either. Science and English he could be in but WHATEVER. French he won't be doing again I don't think. And even if he was he would be taking French 1 again and I'm now on French 2. He could be in my psychology class. I�don't think he will be taking Art 2. And he might be taking photography. But he won't be looping science I don't think so I don't have to worry about that.�And so I am going to optimistic and hope he won't be in any of my classes.

On another way happier note. I�went to the football game last night and Lowell kicked ass of course. (: I�had a ton of fun hanging with people I haven't talked to in FOREVER. Then after Jenna and I had a sleepover like I mentioned before. We snuck out and walked to meijer and I got carmels. And a frozen coke. Oh and because the big 24 ounce or whatever they are were on sale I got a 6 pack for like $2.50. hahaha. It was great.

And we talked Allen into have a sleepover sometime next week. And I'm fucking pumped.

Sorry for the harsh wordssss. Ahahaha.

Oh yeah and I apologize for all the swearing in the last post. I was just pissed and freaking out. But I'm good now. (:

Imma go now.


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  • Username: ihatemondays13
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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    About Me: I am an incredibly random person. When I fall for someone I fall hard and fast... And I hate that aboot myself. I'm the kind of person who tries to make everyone happy. Even if I'm not happy. =) Talk to me.

    Interests: Friends, Music, Boiis, Reading, Computer. So many different things.

    Favorite Music: Most anything. I only don't really like rap or screamo... But sometimes if I am really pissed off I will listen to screamo...

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