I need youuu.

Jun 2009
1:12 PM EDT

the party was fun.

alannah and I aren't fighting really anymore...

at least I think everything is cool with us.


Listening to: Rain, Thunder and Barbeque Stain by Tim Mcgraw.

Reading: These words, and a story on quizilla called "A Royal Pain In The Ass... And I Have To Marry Him?" It's pretty good.

other than that I'm bored.

I want something to do.

I'm on my sister's laptop again by the way.

I love it. :)))))


6 comment(s) - 11:30 AM - 06/10/2009

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  • Username: ihatemondays13
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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    About Me: I am an incredibly random person. When I fall for someone I fall hard and fast... And I hate that aboot myself. I'm the kind of person who tries to make everyone happy. Even if I'm not happy. =) Talk to me.

    Interests: Friends, Music, Boiis, Reading, Computer. So many different things.

    Favorite Music: Most anything. I only don't really like rap or screamo... But sometimes if I am really pissed off I will listen to screamo...

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