i''m on again. aren't you surprisedededed.
sorry hyperness.
so i'm like incredibly happy.
i think i might be starting to get over Alex. Which is oh so incredible also.
he's just a stupid boy.
screw him.
who needs such a stupid boy.
I�is happy.
This day has been kind of incredible.
Tomorrow will be better.
One more day of school then Spring Break BABY.
Hellz to the yeah!(ahahahaha inside joke)
plus gym will be easy tomorrow.
as will geometry.
we is having a FIESTA.
health will equal really easy again. because i'm done with my project.
i don't particularilly want to go to science for fear of starting to like Alex a lot more again.
But whateverrrr. At least it didn't but me today when the ho Tessa was ALL�over Alex.
Computers is always easy so that will be good.
Tomorrow is gonna be fucking epic.
Ahaha sorry for the strong language there.
We all know I NEVER swear. *wink wink*
so yeahh.
i'm gone.